Saturday, March 13, 2010

Burying Alzheimer's, In Life and In Media

The Alzheimer's Association released its most recent report March 9, 2010, announcing the finding that minorities are at a greater risk of developing Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. The coverage of this announcement by USA Today surprised me- it was buried in the "Life" section on the second to last page, below the fold. Granted, this article was published on the day the report came out, so likely the article was a last minute addition with the basic facts about what the report was about. I was still surprised by this coverage and wanted to know more about this report. The CNN web provided some information with their article "'Drowning in Alzheimer's': Minorities struggle with dementia."

From an editorial perspective, I was still disappointed with CNN's coverage of this report. I appreciated that they included a familial profile with the announcement of the report, but I felt that they said little to nothing about the report itself. Instead they focused on how the family of Francisca Terrazas handled her care as she lives with Alzheimer's. After mentioning the report briefly in the second and third paragraph (including the statistics that African-Americans are about two times and Hispanics are about 1.5 times more likely to develop the disease and its subsidiaries), the article moves to the difficulties of handling family members with the disease when a minority. Citing socioeconomic disparities, taboos about assisted living facilities and nursing homes and families simply burying any problem, I know more about the way Alzheimer's is handled within the Terrazas family than about how the Alzheimer's Association came to these findings.

From a 20 something perspective, I wanted to know more. Our parents are getting older, and the age is beginning to show. Alzheimer's, as the article said, is "indiscriminately devastating," and I want to know as much as possible about the disease just in case. This article didn't provide that, even in sidebars or links. While I understand wanting to show a real-life example of a minority family caring for their mother with Alzheimer's, I don't understand why more attention wasn't paid to the report that inspired the story itself- I want to understand why more minorities have the disease, what causes the disease and what symptoms have been currently identified. The article didn't really answer any of my questions, so I felt like the motivation for the story was buried under the profile.

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